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感謝Sikh Dharma International,可以在這裡下載美麗的中文版的Japji Sahib:

「2019 年,Sikh Dharma INternational 委託出版了一本專刊,其中包括 Japji Sahib 被翻譯成 19 種語言。 這本 Japji Sahib 彙編是為了紀念 Guru Nanak Dev Ji 誕辰 550 週年而創作的,作為對Sadh Sangat的愛心奉獻。 它由 19 種不同的語言組成,每個國家的解釋性翻譯以本國文字呈現,並在描繪其國家國花的藝術邊界內舉行。 這本名為“Japji Sahib – Guru Nanak 為世界的光”的經文被贈送給金廟的錫克教博物館。In 2019, Sikh Dharma International commissioned a special volume, which included Japji Sahib translated into 19 languages. This compilation of Japji Sahib was created as a loving offering to the Sadh Sangat for the occasion of the 550th Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birth. It is comprised of nineteen different languages where each country’s interpretive translation is presented in their native script and is held within an artistic border depicting their country’s national flower. This scripture titled “Japji Sahib – the Light of Guru Nanak for the World“, was given to the Sikh Museum at the Golden Temple.」

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 前往世界的遙遠角落,傳播他關於普遍真理的信息:看到存在於每個人體內的神聖之光。 藉此,他提升了人類的尊嚴和優雅。 近幾十年來,全球各地的人們都採用了每天在晨練中背誦 Japji Sahib 的做法。 受啟發的個人將 Japji Sahib 翻譯成他們的母語,以造福於他們的社區——從而進一步擴大了 Guru Nanak Dev Ji 信息的影響範圍。

Guru Nanak Dev Ji traveled to the far corners of the world to spread his message of a universal truth: to see a divine light that lives in every human being. With that, he uplifted humanity to live with dignity and grace. In recent decades, people across the globe have adopted a daily practice of reciting Japji Sahib in their morning sadhana. Inspired individuals translated Japji Sahib into their native language for the benefit of their communities – thus expanding the reach of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message even further.」

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